These are some cover pages of different fashion magazines. All the headlines are in bold and all the stories are aligned tilted. There are different types of fonts used and the colours used are very lightening and these colours lit up the magazine.
The front page of the magazine consists of masthead. Then comes the main image; which sums up everything that is to be in a magazine. The target audience for these fashion magazines are usually girls, college girls and also women aging from 20-40 years. The magazine consists about a main story which is likely to catch a reader’s eye, therefore he is the main imagine and the center point of the front page.
Then there are sub stories which are featured in the magazine. These stories feature other famous stars whose music appeal the target audience of that magazine. Most of the texts in this page are used in bright and neon colours which highlights the fact that for which market the magazine is targeted and accompanied by the titles of the sub stories, the image and the main cover lines relate to each other.
Then there is the Strap line, it is used at the top of the magazine and is used to create the brand identity of the magazine. Also, Pugs; They are used across different genres of magazines. Puds are used to look like stickers as if you could peel them. And lastly comes the barcode and the price, the price of the magazine indicates whether the magazine is a low, medium or high end magazine.
These are some content pages of various fashion magazines. A content page consists of a masthead, date, subheading, brief headings/summary of contents, quote, main image, colour scheme, extra text, and page numbers. Also there is a banner at the top, and in some cases, according to the requirements, there are editor’s note, edited image, previous/future editions of the magazine with details of website/ phone number etc.
Here are some samples taken from fashion magazines. A main picture which normally dominates one side of the double spread. Direct address from the artist is usually used. Following the codes and conventions the image in positioned. The Mis-en-scene usually represents the genre of the magazine. If an image goes from one page of the double page spread, and into the other, this is called ‘bleeding’. Sometimes on double page spreads extra images are used, maybe which related to one event or another.
Questionnaire and Interview I prepared:
1) Do you read magazines often?
2) How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?
3) What do you dislike about fashion magazines?
4) What do you look for in a fashion magazine?
5) What price would you be willing to pay for a vintage fashion magazine?
6) Would you prefer adverts for new perfumes/make up or adverts about local vintage fairs and shops?
7) If you saw magazines in a shop, what convinces you to buy one?
8) Would you want the magazine to include interviews from celebrities that wear vintage clothing such as Lily Allen and Paloma Faith?
9) Would you like to see more text or pictures on the contents page?
10) What kind of cover stories would you like to see on a front cover?
A) Fashion tips
B) Vintage fashion clothing
C) Celebrity Interviews
D) Information on local events such as vintage fairs
1. What is your gender?
-Male -Female
2.How much do you spend on clothes monthly?
3. Fashion to you is:
-Looking cool and stylist
-Looking mature and sober
-A way to express my inner self
4.Do your friends complement your fashion style?
-Yes -No
5.What is the colour you wear most often?
-Bright Colouring
6.Which do you prefer?
-Designer Clothing
-High Street Clothing
7.Who is your favourite fashion designer (Old or New)?
8.What are your 3 favourite materials to wear?
9.What current trends do you like the most?
10. What current trend do you dislike the most?
11.Do you think style is important or unnecessary?
-Yes -No
I took this interview and the questionnaire from 10 people.
Many read magazines daily and few of them read it twice a week, they would pay approximately $3-6 for a magazine,most of them disliked nothing about a magazine and few wanted more details on makeup. When I took the questionnaire 90% of the girls chose the same things, for them, fashion is to look cool and stylist, most of them wore black most often and preferred high street clothing. And 100% girls HIGHLY agreed that style is important.
I would like to make my magazine using these results and keeping in mind all the advises I got during these activities.